Esoteric Meaning of the Tarot’s Tower Card

It’s Actually Linked to Spring Equinox, Passover, & Rejuvenation

Grant Isaac Tarot
8 min readOct 28, 2022


The Tower — Rider-Waite (Smith) Deck

This card is deep and very complex with all its hidden mysteries concealed within its rich symbolism. And due to this, it can get interpreted many different ways. Allow me to shed some light and explain some of the esoteric meaning of the somewhat perplexing Tower card.

The Tower card shows Adam and Eve being knocked off the tower by the strike of a large lightning bolt. They elevated their soul’s vibration, their life-force energy, up the tower which is symbolic of the kundalini (one’s Jacob’s ladder), in order to obtain a union with the higher-power. Their souls ascend upwards through their chakras from the base chakra all the way up to the crown chakra. And once their crown chakra aka the sefirah Keter, meaning crown, is opened they will be able to perceive a higher reality using their third eye, enabling them to see into the spirit of all things. At this state of conscious awareness, one is able to communicate with God the Creator, the source of the Divine Light, where they receive Divine inspiration, revealing insightful messages and epiphanies. This connection with God is symbolized by the large lightning bolt striking the tower. This bolt of energy blesses Adam and Eve with a glimpse of the ‘big picture’ and a new way of seeing the…



Grant Isaac Tarot

An adept revealing all the tarot secrets and mysteries that have been concealed for far too long. Author of “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”.