Learn Why the 10 of Pentacles can be Considered the ‘Manifestation’ Card

The 10 of Pentacles card is a map key, or guide, to the Qabalistic system of the Tarot. All ten of the pentacles on this card are formed in a Kabbalah Tree of Life layout. Each pentacle represents a sphere, or Sefirah, and is associated with that particular energy and it’s aspects. The placement of each pentacle pictured on the 10 of Pentacles card gives us a clue to understanding the aspects of each one of the 10 Sefirot. Furthermore, each Sefirah is numbered 1 through 10, and each Tarot card as well (when the double digit number is reduced down to a single digit). Matching the number of the Sefirah to the number of the Tarot card gives us a deeper, hidden understanding of the messages within each card.

Let’s take the #9 cards for example. The 9th Sefirah on the Tree of Life is Yesod, and Yesod is ruled by the Moon, and the Moon always unveils secrets that are hidden in plain sight. Using this knowledge, we look at the 9th sphere or pentacle in a new light. The old man, (who is actually the Hermit), is petting one of the two dogs that are kneeling at his feet. But, if we take a closer look, we are able to see a hidden third-dog that is wearing a robe similar to the old man’s robe, which is very difficult to see at first glance because it’s camouflaged. But, if we take a second look, we see the dog’s little nose sticking out and his little tail wagging in the air. At first, the dog was not visible, and needed us to unveil it. And now that we have seen this hidden dog, he is manifested, and we can no longer un-see him. And that is one of the many lessons of Yesod. All the #9 cards reveal a hidden message for those with the eyes to see.
Interesting to note, all the #10 cards are associated with the Sefirah Malchut, which is ruled by Earth, and the 1% reality that we perceive with our five senses. It is the “Kingdom” where all things manifest. The esoteric title for the 10 of Pentacles card is The Lorde of Wealth. It’s all about reaping what you’ve sowed, and living in prosperity. Astrologically, this card is Mercury in Virgo. This card correlates to wealth, owning a home, multi-generational families, and inheritance. However, Mercury in Virgo reminds us that it is not only having but the work of maintaining that produces success, which we can then hand down to those who follow in our footsteps. The Ten of Pentacles: Mercury in Virgo is the prosperity that arises from attention to detail, combined with long-ranging foresight.
You will notice how the old man’s head touches the 8th pentacle (or sefirah), which is Hod, who is ruled by Mercury. This represents that the old man is connecting to Hod and his brilliant creative mind, gathering imaginative and innovative ideas that he plans on bridging over into the material world — from imagination into reality. With closer look, you can see the left side of this card is separated by a checkered wall. This wall separates the dream world from the physical world. The overall concept here is that your material world is a reflection of your inner world.

Whenever this card is drawn, it nudges you to take action now to manifest your idea. Don’t overthink it. You’ll learn as you go.
Think about how or in what ways your idea will benefit others. This takes the ‘I’ out of it. Realize that you’re just a channel for this idea, and it is up to you to bridge it over into reality. If you don’t, someone else will.
“When your dreams are based on how you can improve the lives of others, the entire universe will conspire to make your dreams come true.” — Karen Berg, Founder of The Kabbalah Centre
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