The 12 Astrological Houses and How they Correspond with the Tarot
The Tarot’s card illustrations convey certain aspects and traits that correspond to each of the Zodiac’s 12 Houses. The tarot card’s number will correspond with a particular zodiac sign’s ruling House in relation to its placement on the Kabbalah Tree of Life. For an example, let’s use the #5 cards. In this case, on the Kabbalah Tree of Life the 5th sefirah is Gevurah, and all the #5 cards correspond to Gevurah’s influence. Gevurah is ruled by Mars, which rules over Aries and just so happens to be the first Astrological House. Therefore, the aspects that coincide with the First House will be conveyed in the illustrations found on each of the #5 cards.
The Aspects of the Zodiac’s 12 Houses:
First House: House of Self
- This House is ruled by Aries, who is ruled by Mars, and corresponds to all the #5 Tarot Cards, because the 5’s correspond to the 5th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Gevurah, which is ruled by Mars.
The First House embodies the concept of ‘I Am’ in regards to the awareness of Self. This House relates to certain life issues such as, Self, appearance, image, first impressions, attitude, identity, approach to life, outward personality, subjective self-awareness, health, the body, beginnings, and also pertains to the mask they put on for others.
Second House: The House of Value
This House is ruled by Taurus, who is ruled by Venus, and corresponds to all the #7 Tarot Cards, because the 7’s correspond to the 7th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Netzah, which is ruled by Venus.
The Second House embodies the concept of ‘I Have’ with regards to personal resources. This House relates to aspects of money, material possessions, values, skills, work income, daily routines, your job and work ethic, resources/tools, resourcefulness, self-esteem, material security, wealth, family, priorities, habits and also involves speech.
Third House: House of Communication
This House is ruled by Gemini, who is ruled by Mercury, and corresponds to all the #8 Tarot Cards, because the 8’s correspond to the 8th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Hod, which is ruled by Mercury.
The Third House embodies the concept of ‘I Think’, with regards to their immediate environment. This House relates to mental activity, thinking, social activity/interests, early education, learning, mindset, communication, speaking and writing style, neighbors, siblings, as well as courage.
Fourth House: House of Home
This House is ruled by Cancer, who is ruled by the Moon, and corresponds to all the #9 Tarot Cards, because the 9’s correspond to the 9th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Yesod, which is ruled by the Moon.
The Fourth House embodies the concept of ‘I Nurture’ and incorporates one’s inner world. This house relates to home, domestic life, mother, parents, heritage, roots, family, children, private life, women, femininity, foundations, inner security, self-care, emotions, psychological foundation, subconscious patterns, properties, vehicles, and luxury.
Fifth House: House of Pleasure
This House is ruled by Leo, who is ruled by the Sun, and corresponds to all the #6 Tarot Cards, because the 6’s correspond to the 6th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Tiferet, which is ruled by the Sun.
The Fifth House embodies the concept of ‘I Serve’ with regards to one’s personal creativity. This house relates to romance, love affairs, fertility, children, recreation, fun, play, entertainment, pleasures, creativity, childlike spirit, joy, self-expression, drama, and art.
Sixth House: House of Health
This House is ruled by Virgo, who is ruled by Mercury, and corresponds to all the #8 Tarot Cards, because the 8’s correspond to the 8th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Hod, which is ruled by Mercury.
The Sixth House embodies the concept of ‘I Serve’ just as the 5th House does, but in regards to the aspects of one’s Daily Life. This house relates to work, employment, work habits, health and nutrition, self improvement, fitness, daily routine, systems, analytical nature, organization, sense of usefulness, service given, duty, competition, enemies, debt, as well as pets.
Seventh House: House of Relationships
This House is ruled by Libra, who is ruled by Venus, and corresponds to all the #7 Tarot Cards, because the 7’s correspond to the 7th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Netzah, which is ruled by Venus.
The Seventh House embodies the concept of ‘I Partner’ and encompasses an awareness of others. This House relates to marriage/spouse, one-to-one relationships, business partners, alliances (or conflicts with others), union, contracts, equality, sharing, interpersonal style, and legal matters.
Eighth House: House of Sex and Death
This House is ruled by Scorpio, who is ruled by Mars (and Pluto), and corresponds to all the #5 Tarot Cards, because the 5’s correspond to the 5th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Gevurah, which is ruled by Mars. Furthermore, Pluto corresponds with all the Aces and the Magician card, because Pluto is linked to the first sefirah called Keter, which is ruled by Pluto. Therefore, the 8th House will contain aspects of both Mars and Pluto as they relate to Scorpio’s traits.
The Eighth House embodies the concept of ‘I Circulate’ in regards to shared resources. This house relates to sex, passion, soul, intimacy, deeply felt peak experiences, depth interactions with others, partners, death, letting go, rebirth, regeneration, renewal, transformation, growth and change, other people’s money, sharing, merging, shared finances, resources, inheritances, taxes, loans, assets, property, joint ventures/goals, mystery, sudden events, and also in-laws.
Ninth House: House of Spirituality
This House is ruled by Sagittarius, who is ruled by Jupiter, and corresponds to all the #4 Tarot Cards, because the 4’s correspond to the 4th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Chesed, which is ruled by Jupiter.
The Ninth House embodies the concept of ‘I Explore’ associated with expanded horizons. This house relates to higher education, learning, wisdom, philosophy of life, the search for meaning, beliefs, mind expansion, publishing, law and religion, travel, journeys, cross-cultural relations, ethics, as well as fortune and luck.
Tenth House: House of Ambition
This House is ruled by Capricorn, who is ruled by Saturn, and corresponds to all the #3 Tarot Cards, because the 3’s correspond to the 3rd sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Binah, which is ruled by Saturn.
The Tenth House embodies the concept of ‘I Achieve’ and reflects upon one’s outer world. This House relates to career, guides, status, reputation, vocational purpose, public life, public image, recognition, taking power, fame, achievement in the world, mastery, authorities, and dealings with one’s father.
Eleventh House: House of Friendship
This House is ruled by Aquarius, who is ruled by Saturn, and corresponds to all the #3 Tarot Cards, because the 3’s correspond to the 3rd sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Binah, which is ruled by Saturn.
The Eleventh House embodies the concept of ‘I Aspire’ and encompasses group contribution. This House relates to friends, groups, group involvement, clubs, collective endeavors, goals, aspirations, high hopes, humanitarian ideals, global awareness, big desire, as well as pertains to profit and gain.
Twelfth House: House of Secrets
This House is ruled by Pisces, who is ruled by Jupiter (and Neptune), and corresponds to all the #4 Tarot Cards, because the 4’s correspond to the 4th sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life called Chesed, which is ruled by Jupiter. Furthermore, Neptune corresponds with all the #2 Tarot Cards, because Neptune is linked to the 2nd sefirah called Chokmah, which is ruled by Neptune. Therefore, the 12th House will contain aspects of both Jupiter and Neptune as they relate to Pisces’ traits.
The Twelfth House embodies the concept of ‘I Dream’ pertaining to one’s spiritual life. This House relates to solitude, retreats from the world, self-transcendence, self-sabotage, endings, loss, closure, healing, spirituality, karma, old age, afterlife, what’s hidden, privacy, limiting beliefs, subconscious, unacknowledged or repressed parts of one’s self, institutions, service and sacrifice, as well as service to humanity.
Thanks for reading!
Written by Grant Isaac, who is the author of the tarot book “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”
Check out Grant Isaac on Facebook for more Tarot secrets.
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