The Angel Raziel Made Me Write A Tarot Book — Here’s my story

Grant Isaac Tarot
7 min readFeb 20, 2024

Why I Wrote this Book and What it Has to Offer

I have always been attracted to things that are considered occult or esoteric in nature. I realize that everything is somehow connected — all sciences, physics, mathematics, geometry, astrology, music, and even the human anatomy are all working in harmony under the same natural laws. As above, so below.

I’ve always desired, studied, sought out, and strived to know what the secret societies knew, as though they held the ancient wisdom or the secrets of our world. I felt I had the right to know these things, so I began studying and researching everything I could on the subject.

After many years of researching the occult and Hermetics, I was led to study Kabbalah which really opened my eyes to the deeper spiritual meanings concealed within the biblical stories. Kabbalah helped me understand the code hidden within the scriptures. Kabbalah is essentially the science of spirituality, and ultimately the spirituality of numbers.

From here, I was led to reading about the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society devoted to the study and practice of the occult and metaphysics during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Golden Dawn taught the Western Hermetic Qabalah, which I resonated with after having studied Kabbalah, the Jewish mysticism. The creators of the Rider-Waite tarot deck were members of the Golden Dawn, and this ignited a curiosity in me to begin learning more about the Tarot.

The closer I got to turning 40 years old, the more certain I became that something big was gonna happen to me, as in a shift of awareness that would give me a feeling of purpose. I did not know exactly what, but knew it was something significant. It gave me hope. Then, only after a few days after turning 40, I woke up one morning with the strongest sense of urgency to find my Rider-Waite Tarot cards, which I had purchased from Amazon a few years ago. I knew I had some in the house, in a box somewhere. I searched and searched and went a bit stir crazy trying to find them. I finally found my deck in a box in the back of my closet. I began studying the deck right away, and the esoteric secrets, Hermetic knowledge, and Qabalistic wisdom hidden within the cards came to me in a flood of information. It was like a large download of data. It was overwhelming, but at the same time so very clear to me. It was so much that I had to write it all down and organize the information.

Each day, I would wake up with new inspiration regarding the Tarot. I just intuitively ‘knew’ what I had to research that day, knew what theory to dive into, what cards had hidden symbols in them, and what numbers to interweave with certain gematria. I really did not know for certain what I was experiencing. I thought I was remembering all this from a past-life. How else could I have known everything about tarot in such a short amount of time? This new insight was so clear to me that I could explain it to a child if I had to. It was truly the most exciting and thrilling time of my life. I was in my element and now had purpose. Each morning I’d wake up inspired with a new task or a new research assignment, which would push me to uncovering and discovering new tarot secrets. I was led down rabbit holes where all the dots miraculously connected. This download of information lasted for about 2 years, occurring in waves of ebbs and flows. There were times when I felt intense excitement, writing and researching as I followed the intuitive breadcrumbs. And then there were times where I felt as though the downloads had stopped. During these ‘silent’ times I would continue to write and work on the book in hopes of receiving new inspiration. Eventually, that inspiration came to me. I suppose I had to prove myself ready to handle a new download before I could be led down another rabbit hole. This is how the communication dynamic worked during all this. After a while I adapted, and during those times of silence I never felt abandoned.

During this experience time seemed to fly by. I was busy, in the zone, and in my element where time didn’t seem to exist. Time is relevant when you have a combination of enthusiasm and urgency. Thankfully, this all happened during COVID when I had plenty of time off from work. It was perfect. Being away from work allowed me to spiritually reset and remain focused on my book.

Not wanting to waste my time, I searched online for all this tarot information I was discovering to see if anyone else had already written about it. I was surprised to find no one talking about these things. That is when I knew I had to write a book myself and share these secrets with the world.

I didn’t feel as though I was working on an ordinary tarot book. It felt more like a Tarot Bible that would revolutionize the way we approach the Tarot.

Grant Isaac with the angel Raziel.

Throughout this entire experience I never felt that I was alone. It was as though I was being guided by a benevolent presence. At the time, I didn’t truly know what or who it was guiding me to uncover all the tarot secrets, but I knew it was a force of good. This spirit guide pushed me intuitively to what I should research and put in the book. It wasn’t until closer to the end of this experience, when I was about finished with the book, I came to realize this guide of mine was the archangel RazieI, who guided me every step of the way throughout the entire process.

I feel lucky and blessed to have been chosen. Maybe it was a combination of several different factors of why I was chosen to write this book. Maybe it had to do with my astrology placements? Or my innate interest in mysticism? Maybe because of all my years of research in the esoteric, involving Hermetics, Kabbalah, and Bible study? Maybe all the above. Whatever it was, I am truly grateful. There is no way I could have figured out all this Tarot information on my own in such a short time without such help.

I didn’t channel this information. However, it did feel as though Raziel was standing behind me, pushing me (intuitively) to get the work done. And to do so with urgency. I was urged to get the book published on 12.22.21. Coincidentally, this was the exact date the movie The Matrix Resurrections was released in theaters. Comparably, I felt as though I had resurrected the Tarot — how it was originally meant to be understood and interpreted.

This book, “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”, is revolutionary. I consider it to be the Tarot Bible for the Age of Aquarius, and at the same time a great instruction for how to integrate astrology with shadow work to evolve spiritually and achieve enlightenment. The book unveils the correlations shared between tarot & biblical analogies conveyed with both Kabbalistic and Hermetic wisdom. Such Kabbalistic insights are drawn from the usage of the gematria hidden within the Rider-Waite deck. The book is truly mind-blowing.

What secrets does this book disclose?

*Reveals the hidden Seals of Saturn concealed within the Rider-Waite tarot deck.

*Points out how and where to locate the two hidden Keys, which are formed with 10 tarot cards each that act as guided meditations that help attract blessings and miracles into your life.

*Fully explains the Qabalistic-astrological underpinnings of the Rider-Waite deck.

*Shows how every card is illustrated over an invisible Kabbalah Tree of Life.

*Solves the ancient mystery of the SATOR square, explaining how to utilize it for wish making.

*Unveils all the gematria (Jewish numerology) connections hidden throughout the deck that are simply hiding in plain sight.

*Explains all the many religious holiday associations.

*Explains the spiritual meanings of the Hebrew letters assigned to each of the Major Arcana.

*Explains the symbols, history, and hidden meaning portrayed in each of the 78 cards.

*Describes how to approach the Court Cards as ‘action’ cards, where the Pages announce a change occurring in the present moment, while the Knights deliver a ‘call to action.’

*The book describes how to escape the Matrix (which traps you inside the reincarnation loop).

*Explains Pamela Colman Smith’s side of the story behind her involvement with the creation of the Rider-Waite (Smith) tarot cards.

*Reveals who Archangel Raziel is and how he contributed to the evolution of spiritual awareness throughout history, which included involvement with Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Solomon, and even Pamela Colman Smith.

Check out where you’re able to purchase this book and also download FREE tarot classes from my in-depth course.

If you would like a Tarot Reading, which I’m open to answering any sort of question you may have, as well as general readings, you can click on the link here



Grant Isaac Tarot

An adept revealing all the tarot secrets and mysteries that have been concealed for far too long. Author of “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”.