The Death Card = Death & Rebirth

Grant Isaac Tarot
3 min readMay 3, 2023

Every symbol on the Death card portrays the aspect of death and rebirth. I will break down each one for you.

Death Card, Rider-Waite (Smith) tarot deck.

Allow me to shed some Light on the Death card. Here is a list of all the ‘death & rebirth’ associations portrayed within this card:

  • Death card corresponds astrologically to Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto. Pluto is the planet associated with the concept of death & rebirth. In the Tarot, Scorpio is symbolized by the eagle in the World and Wheel of Fortune cards. The eagle here is synonymous with the phoenix, which is a known symbol of the death and rebirth cycle.
  • The Hebrew letter assigned to the Death card is Nun, meaning fish. The fish is a symbol for Pisces, which is the sign most likely to experience an ego-death during their lifetime. Pisces will walk away from relationships and never look back. This applies to how they keep swimming forward and don’t allow their past to define them. Pisces are also able to kill off their old identity and reinvent themselves numerous times throughout their lifetime just like a snake who sheds its own skin.
  • The Death Knight rides the pale-white horse of the apocalypse, which ushers in the new age, putting an end to the old to pave way for the new.
  • This Knight adorns skull…



Grant Isaac Tarot

An adept revealing all the tarot secrets and mysteries that have been concealed for far too long. Author of “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”.