The Seals of Saturn Hidden within the Tarot: Part 2
Starting exactly where we left off from Part 1…..
With further examination of the picture above, you will see that the mirror image creates a heart-shape above the Devil’s hands. This is significant, because the letter Shin is attributed to the heart. Furthermore, it is revealed in the Devil card that one must raise their kundalini energy in order to activate the third eye, which is only made possible after having first opened up one’s heart. Moreover, the Devil card is assigned to Roman numeral XV (15). When reduced, 15 becomes 1+5 = 6. The number 6 coincides with the 6th sefirah Tiferet, which is ruled by the Sun, and attributed to the inner sun and heart chakra. Thus, by opening up one’s heart is key to opening up the third eye, and this is when the connection to the Christ Consciousness is achieved.
Jesus, Yeshua corresponds with the letter Shin. For instance, when the Shin is placed inside the middle of the tetragrammaton, YHVH, it forms the name Yeshua (YHShVH).
From this picture above, you can see that Shin coincides with spirit. As mentioned earlier, the three eyes of Ayin are as follows: the right eye sees positive potential, the left eye sees negative judgment, and the third eye that sees spirit coincides with the concealed Shin.
The Judgement card is assigned to the letter Shin, and the spiritual meaning of Shin is portrayed within this card’s illustration. For instance, depicted in this card is the angel Gabriel who is waking up the dead out from their coffins and delivers to them good, heart-warming news — she offers them a chance at redemption and eternal salvation. The name Yeshua means salvation. The people were dead inside (inside their hearts), and Gabriel delivered to them the good news that Jesus was going to be crucified on the cross the following day, and that he would die for their sins, which meant they could now have eternal life, and thus another chance to repent for their sins before they died. This was the good news attributed to Good Friday; this news caused the people to be overwhelmed with joy and it melted their hardened hearts. This is symbolized here by the snow-tipped mountains melting, and this causes the valley below the mountains to flood. The flood waters rising contribute to the coffins rising up above the ground and floating away.
This ‘melting’ of the heart allows one to flow along the kundalini stream as they ascend up the chakras towards the third eye. Similarly portrayed allegorically in the biblical story of when Moses parted the Red Sea.
Pictured here is an esoteric depiction of Hermes Trismegistus, conveying Hermetic principles through the language of symbolism. His body and arms form the Seal of Saturn, with its diamond in the center. You will notice the mirrored image displaying the opposites of night and day. With further examination, you will notice that Hermes has one of his eyes shut while the other is opened, which further reinstates the third eye symbolism, and the attempt to obtain deeper esoteric knowledge by becoming in tune with the spirit. In the center of the Seal, inside the diamond, is the same crusader’s cross depicted in the Judgement card — a card pertaining directly to Christ and the Sacred Heart. It relates to the concept of opening up one’s heart as the means to connect to the Father, which is achieved after having activated one’s third eye.
Achieving this connection to the Source allows you to rise above the ego and float on a higher plain of conscious awareness.
This Ancient Egyptian pictograph portrays the concept just mentioned. If you pay closer attention to the shape formed by Horus’s and Set’s arms, you will see the resemblance of the Hebrew letter Shin. But what is more, is that each pair of arms is shaped similar to an Ayin — mirroring each other. Their arms and heads come together and form a Shin.
These mirrored Ayins forming a Shin create a pictograph of what appears to be a boat or an ark. This boat will allow one to float above their ego-nature. Also, this boat resembles an eye with a pupil in the center. This pupil has the crown on top, suggesting enlightenment.
Let’s take this mirror concept one step further, and build upon what has been presented thus far — it has been showed the letter Ayin, meaning eye, is assigned to the Devil card, which has hidden within it a Seal of Saturn, and this seal’s diamond is considered to be a gateway into the third eye awareness. Time now to apply what we know so far about the esoteric symbols on the Devil card and use them towards the discovery of new hidden secrets found with a mirror. With this in mind, place a mirror directly along the line that passes through the middle of the diamond, and in doing so will reveal more hidden mysteries.
Pictured below is the hidden eye found within the Devil card, located in the center.
There are three cards which have the hidden Seal of Saturn on them. By applying this mirror method, we will be able to reveal all three eyes hidden inside the center of the diamond of each card’s seal.
The Hierophant, the Devil, and the 10 of Pentacles cards all contain a hidden Seal of Saturn.
To be continued in Part 3…..
Click on this link which will take you to Part 3 of this article:
This post has been taken (copy/pasted) from the book “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”, by Grant Isaac which is available in both ebook and paperback formats from multiple book sellers online.
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