The Seals of Saturn Hidden within the Tarot: Part 3

Grant Isaac Tarot
9 min readDec 30, 2021

Continuing from Part 2……..

The hidden eye surrounded with light rays found within the Hierophant card, located directly in the middle of the card.

The hidden eye found within the 10 of Pentacles card when the two heads in the middle merge as one.

The purpose of activating the third eye is to free the mind. Ayin has a numerical value of 70. Each of these three cards have an eye concealed within them, which gives us 70×3 = 210. The number 210 is very significant here, because it is the exact number of years the Jews were enslaved in Egypt, which ultimately is a metaphor for mental slavery.

If we take responsibility for our own actions and repent of our sins, we are able to open up and purify our hearts, thus allowing the kundalini life-force to rise within our vessel and activate the third eye. This activation connects us to our salvation — a salvation from ignorance.

Our third eye is connected to the 4th dimension. It enables us to perceive other dimensions and realities. It is an ancient biological device made of stardust that assists in navigating our dreams in our ethereal body, that guides us towards the reality of time travel, telepathy, intuition and other psychic abilities.

Another religious theory suggest that the pineal gland is our true inner Church or place of Connection and Worship. In the Christian religion there is a Bible verse that states, “The light of the body is the eye; if…



Grant Isaac Tarot

An adept revealing all the tarot secrets and mysteries that have been concealed for far too long. Author of “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”.