Every Tarot Card in the Suit of Wands Reveals Timing.

I Will Break Down Each Card For You.

Grant Isaac Tarot


From the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

What does the suit of Wands represent?

The suit of Wands relates to core belief systems, grounded opinions, and ideals that are deeply rooted within an individual’s character. Wands correspond with the element of fire. This fire energy is what drives us to manifest the things that we are passionate about — things that we spend much time on developing. The more time and energy we put towards our passions, the more knowledgable we become on the particular subject. We gradually become experts. The knowledge we obtain as we travel along our paths, either from life-lessons or from simple curiosity, builds upon our character and shapes us into who we believe ourselves to be.

Looking into deeper meaning:

The Wands are like trees, and trees relate to agriculture. The god of agriculture is Saturn, who also happens to be the god of time. By counting the branches on the wands we are able to comprehend the timing significance associated with each card in the suit of Wands.

And as for timing aspects….

The specific timing portrayed in each card can relate to a handful of different Kabbalistic understandings. While some of the cards relate to either a day or a year’s time, other…



Grant Isaac Tarot

An adept revealing all the tarot secrets and mysteries that have been concealed for far too long. Author of “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”.