The Seals of Saturn Hidden within the Tarot: Part 1

Grant Isaac
10 min readDec 30, 2021

Pictured below is Saturn’s magic square, revealing the Seal of Saturn.

Have you ever laid out all the tarot cards on the floor or on a table? I have made a Tarot Grid that includes all the Minor and Major Arcana, (excluding the Court Cards). It is in this Grid where you find the first Seal of Saturn, which leads one to believe there are more seals hidden throughout the tarot.

This Grid contains the 40 Minor Arcana and each of the 22 Major Arcana cards. The number 40 as well as 22 are very significant in Kabbalah. For example, there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. In relation to this, each Major Arcana card’s illustration portrays the spiritual aspect of the corresponding Hebrew letter it is assigned to. The number 40 is significant, because it is the numerical value for the Hebrew letter Mem, meaning water, relating to the concept and timing of spiritual cleansing. For instance, in the book of Genesis, the earth flooded for 40 days and 40 nights. This was a time period when the earth experienced a large-scale baptism.

The Tarot Grid arranges the 62 ‘numbered’ cards in their proper order, by starting at the top and working its way down, it begins with the least valued to the highest valued card, all according to the value of each card’s number and suit. This specific order that is based on each card’s value is in direct accordance with the system set aside by the Order of the Golden Dawn, who follow a system based off of the Hermetic Qabbalah. Consequently, the creators of the Rider-Waite (Smith) tarot deck happened to be members of the Golden Dawn Society.

The tarot suits are arranged in an order that coincides with the tetragrammaton, also known as the Four-Letter Name of God in Hebrew, YHVH (Yahweh). Each of the four letters of YHVH are associated with the four elements: fire, water, air, and earth — specifically, in this order. In addition to this, each tarot suit coincides with one of the four elements as well, and follow the same order. For instance, Wands correspond with fire, Cups with water, Swords with air, and Pentacles with earth. And it is in this particular order the cards are arranged on the Grid, working their way down through the four suits, in their proper order from least to greatest value. Located directly below the ‘suited’ cards of the Minor Arcana are the 22 Major Arcana, which are arranged in order according to the value of their Roman numerals, positioned from 0-21.

As revealed here now, the Seal of Saturn, (aka Seal of Zazel), is hidden within the Tarot Grid. The seal can be found when you draw a line following the rising and descending numbers on the cards. Look at the picture on the previous page for reference.

Starting from the middle card on the top row, #6 (6 of Wands), and then moving down to the next row diagonally to the #5, then #4, #3, and ending at the High Priestess card that is assigned to Roman numeral 2. From here, return to the starting point at the top of the Grid going back to the 6 of Wands, and then work your way downward diagonally this time in the opposite direction from the #6 down to the #7, then #8, #9, and ending on the Wheel of Fortune card, which is assigned to Roman numeral 10. Repeat this formula just as before, but this time start from the bottom of the Grid, beginning with the Devil card assigned to Roman numeral 15. The number 15 when reduced is 1+5 = 6, which mirrors the starting point at the top of the Grid. So, starting from the Devil card, repeat the same steps as before that were used going down the Grid, but this time you will be working your way upward in the opposite direction. After having completed these steps, you will have formed two overlapping Vs, which form two XXs touching each other, and create a diamond (or rhombus) in the center. To complete Saturn’s seal, draw a line directly through the middle of the two Xs, from one side of the Grid to the other. This line should pass straight through the diamond, and as a consequence will form a median-line that divides the Tarot Grid into two halves, with there being three rows above the line and three rows below it.

When you add up the numbers of each card included in the Grid’s Seal, which are located at each of the Seal’s six points, you get the sum of 45. 45 just so happens to be the numerical value for the Hebrew name Zazel, known to be the Spirit of Saturn. Likewise, the Intelligence of Saturn is Agiel, and shares the same numerical value of 45. The six points on the Seal add up to 45, and the cards included are: the Devil #15, High Priestess #2, Two of Cups #2, 6 of Wands #6, 10 of Cups #10, and lastly the Wheel of Fortune #10. Therefore, this gives you 15+2+2+6+10+10 = 45. Furthermore, 45 is also the sum of all the numbers inside the Magic Square of Saturn.

There are three tarot cards that contain a hidden Seal of Saturn within them, and they are: the Hierophant, the Devil and the 10 of Pentacles. These Seals, which are placed in specific and significant locations on these particular cards, reveal deeper insight into the mysteries that have been concealed within the tarot for far too long.

The Seal’s purpose is to provide protection from Saturn’s malefic influence, while simultaneously sealing in its magical essence. Saturn is associated with ruling over time, restriction and karma. Saturn constantly emits dulling waves of energy that slow down the time between cause and effect, interrupting the manifestation process by wearing away at us with harsh judgment, restriction, frustration, doubt and fear. The Seal of Saturn acts as a protective shield from the planet’s malefic force allowing a practitioner of the tarot to not be restricted by the time it takes for a desire to manifest itself into reality. They are able to see results very quickly — like magic. In addition to these Seals, the tarot also contains other similar planetary applications. Some of which involve a specific combination of cards which act as keys to specifically help one manifest prosperity.

Moreover, the Tarot Grid holds the map key which pin-points where to find one’s Path of Enlightenment based on their zodiac sign. These ‘paths’ are located on each of the Grid’s columns that lead down from the top to the bottom of the Grid, and lay out the path to enlightenment for each zodiac sign. Each path incorporates wisdom and practical advice that will help guide an individual with the insight they need in order for them to begin working on themselves in hopes of transforming their ego-nature. The formula for finding one’s correct path works the same for all the signs of the Zodiac. The first step is to establish what sign the individual is born under. And yet, everyone is governed by three signs: their Sun, Moon and Ascendant, all three signs are important to learn. All three work together to influence our personality and shape our character. It is important to understand all three in order to truly know thy self. Once a specific sign is established, figure out the ruling planet for that sign.

After which, find the corresponding sefirah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life attributed to that particular planet. Consequently, the number of the sefirah is the number of the path found on the Tarot Grid. Let’s use Aries for example. Aries is ruled by Mars which is associated with the 5th sefirah

Gevurah, and therefore all the #5 cards located on the 5th column will forge the path that an Aries needs to take in order for them to reach spiritual enlightenment.

Getting to know your three signs and then applying the path to enlightenment formula to each one of them will elevate your awareness and soul vibration as you strive to better yourself. It will help you gain a deeper and more well-rounded understanding of your unique personality, as well as uncover aspects of your shadow-nature.

The point of reaching enlightenment is to establish a connection with the higher-self, aligning you with your destiny, giving you a sense of purpose and direction, feeling you with the confidence needed to reach your goals and make your dreams come true. The Key to Prosperity is hidden in the center of the Tarot Grid, found within the cards that are placed along the median-line which passes straight through the Seal of Saturn’s diamond. Before disclosing the exact location of this Key and its purpose, I must first explain the significance of the diamond (or rhombus) formed within the Seal of Saturn. You must first be able to comprehend the significant relevance of it as it pertains to occult magik, and ultimately wish-making.

Similar to the Vesica Piscis, the diamond (rhombus) is a portal/gateway through which one traverses back and forth between the 3rd and 4th dimensions, and from which one brings forth their desire from the astral realm of the 99% reality over into the 1% physical reality — the material world. Another way of putting it, it’s a gateway where desire from the macrocosm is drawn down into the microcosm, where we manifest it into the material world of matter. It is a womb that’s main purpose and energy is the basis of creation in this universe. It is a doorway that acts as a bridge between spirit and form, matter and anti-matter, the infinite void and all matter.

This diamond in the center of the Seal looks similar to a key hole or an eye, and thereby is attributed to the third eye. Subsequently, the Seal of Saturn rules over the sefirah Binah, which corresponds with the third eye. Not to mention, the Devil card associated with Capricorn, who is ruled by Saturn, just so happens to be assigned to the Hebrew letter Ayin, meaning eye. Through its esoteric symbolism, the Devil card’s illustration portrays the empowerment obtained when activating the third eye. The letter Ayin ע looks similar to the letter Y. It is said that the letter Ayin has two eyes located at each of its top two points, or Y tips.

The right eye sees positive potential, while the left eye sees negative judgements. If you were to place two mirrored images of Ayin side by side, it would form the letter Shin ש, which looks similar to the letter W. This Shin created by the two mirrored Ayin’s corresponds with the third eye, and it is this third eye that sees the spirit.

Two Ayins joined together side by side forms a Shin.

When placing a mirror over these three particular tarot cards, which all contain a hidden Seal of Saturn in them, it reveals deeper hidden meaning. For instance, in the Devil card the Devil is seen raising his right hand and forming the gesture of the El Shaddai displayed by priests during the Birkat Kohanim. This hand gesture usually involves the use of two hands, which together form the letter Shin. Hence, Shin for Shaddai, meaning Almighty [God].

For this reason, when using a mirror, we are able to display a mirror image of the Devil’s hand, which then forms the gesture used for the ‘raising of the hands’ Priestly Blessing referred to as the Birkat Kohanim, which is properly made with two hands instead of one. Traditionally, the priests blessed the people every morning after the sacrifice at the temple. Today, it is offered during Jewish holidays. Although, many synagogues and Christian churches end their service with this blessing as a benediction.

This blessing is found in Numbers 6:24–26, “The Lord blesses you and keeps you; the Lord shines his face upon you and is gracious to you; the Lord lifts up his face upon you and gives you his peace.”

To be continued in Part 2………

Click on this link which takes you to Part 2 of this article:

This post has been taken (copy/pasted) from the book “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”, by Grant Isaac which is available in ebook and paperback formats from multiple booksellers, including Blue Cypress Books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Booktopia, Books-A-Million, and Book Depository - just to name a few.

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Grant Isaac
Grant Isaac

Written by Grant Isaac

An adept revealing all the tarot secrets which have been concealed for far too long. Author of “The Tarot Decoded: Raziel’s Interpretation”.

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